Coaching Agreement, Terms & Conditions

Take the time to read this, please! You’ll get way more out of your coaching session and it’s important that we are on the same page when working together as The Godly Pattern Coach (me) and Godly Pattern Client (you).


*Your Coach will do everything possible to support you in achieving your own results and desired outcomes
*You are responsible for the cause of all change in your life.
*Your Coach will work with you to identify solutions and offer suggestions, options and advice based on their own personal experience, training and the information appropriate
*You accept full responsibility for all decisions and courses of action *You as Client, by signing/approving the Coaching Agreement agree and acknowledge that the Coach is not a licensed investment advisor, real estate agent, accountant, finance, health or legal professional.


Your Coach will not divulge that you are in a coaching relationship without your express consent. You, of course, are free to discuss the coaching relationship with anyone at any time.


All Coaching Sessions are scheduled in advance by direct agreement between you and your Coach. If for any reason you cannot attend a scheduled Coaching Session you are fully responsible for informing your Coach and arranging an appointment at least 48 hours in advance, otherwise the session will be deemed forfeit. You are responsible for rescheduling via phone or contact (and receive reply) via email.


Tasks are assigned to assist in accelerating your change and the achievement of your desired results.


There is no extra charge for brief “catch up calls” between your Coaching Sessions, whether to discuss an issue or concern or share something great! Your Coach provides this free additional service to give your superior value and results.


Your Coach is available during the week via email to share wins, seek clarity on actions or review minor issues. Again, there is no charge for any of the brief “catch up emails”.

Notice of cancellation

All notices of cancellation must be in writing and delivered by mail or email to info@godlypattern.com. Cancellation notice will be deemed on the date in which the cancellation is received by a Godly Pattern Coach. No refunds, credits or transfers available for no-shows.

Terms of Coaching

The Coaching Programs are created and sold as whole packages and cannot be altered or partially completed in any way. If you are enrolled in continuing Coaching for a number of sessions, unused sessions due to quitting the program may not be eligible for refund, credit or transfer.

Suspending Membership

Is not possible after your program is in progress.

Coaching Calls

Telephone calls with your Coach during your membership are at the Client’s expense, and initiated by the Client.

Payment Plans

If any installment payment should default, the Client will have seven (7) days to rectify the situation. Any scheduled coaching session(s) will be postponed until payment is received within the 7 days, all discounts and bonuses will be forfeited and full payment will apply. If a Client should default on any installment payment, the result may be cancellation from the Program and the Cancellation Policy will apply. An N.S.F. or credit card decline will result in a penalty from our payment processing company in cases of payment default.

Program Changes

The Coach reserves the right to change, modify or cancel any programs as considered necessary. Any such change will be made in consultation with the Client.

Mutual Agreement Cancellation

If at any time either the Client or Coach believe the Coaching Sessions and agreement are no longer serving the needs of the Client they may initiate a discussion to rectify the situation prior to canceling the Program or Sessions.

Intellectual Property

All material relating to the Program is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. All materials may not be recorded, used or reproduced without the written permission of the owner.


You understand that all action taken is performed voluntarily and is your own responsibility. Clients should seek independent professional advice before undertaking any physical, business or investment actions.

Agreement Section

By entering into a Coaching Agreement either through signing a Coaching Agreement with The Creatives Coach or paying any amount to your Creatives Coach, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out above.


You understand that all action taken is performed voluntarily and is your own responsibility. Clients should seek independent professional advice before undertaking any physical, business or investment actions.


Tasks are assigned to assist in accelerating your change and the achievement of your desired results.


There is no extra charge for brief “catch up calls” between your Coaching Sessions, whether to discuss an issue or concern or share something great! Your Coach provides this free additional service to give your superior value and results.


Your Coach is available during the week via email to share wins, seek clarity on actions or review minor issues. Again, there is no charge for any of the brief “catch up emails”.

Notice of cancellation

All notices of cancellation must be in writing and delivered by mail or email to info@godlypattern.com. Cancellation notice will be deemed on the date in which the cancellation is received by a Godly Pattern Coach. No refunds, credits or transfers available for no-shows.

Terms of Coaching

The Coaching Programs are created and sold as whole packages and cannot be altered or partially completed in any way. If you are enrolled in continuing Coaching for a number of sessions, unused sessions due to quitting the program may not be eligible for refund, credit or transfer.

Suspending Membership

Is not possible after your program is in progress.

Coaching Calls

Telephone calls with your Coach during your membership are at the Client’s expense, and initiated by the Client.

Payment Plans

If any installment payment should default, the Client will have seven (7) days to rectify the situation. Any scheduled coaching session(s) will be postponed until payment is received within the 7 days, all discounts and bonuses will be forfeited and full payment will apply. If a Client should default on any installment payment, the result may be cancellation from the Program and the Cancellation Policy will apply. An N.S.F. or credit card decline will result in a penalty from our payment processing company in cases of payment default.

Program Changes

The Coach reserves the right to change, modify or cancel any programs as considered necessary. Any such change will be made in consultation with the Client.

Mutual Agreement Cancellation

If at any time either the Client or Coach believe the Coaching Sessions and agreement are no longer serving the needs of the Client they may initiate a discussion to rectify the situation prior to canceling the Program or Sessions.

Intellectual Property

All material relating to the Program is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. All materials may not be recorded, used or reproduced without the written permission of the owner.


You understand that all action taken is performed voluntarily and is your own responsibility. Clients should seek independent professional advice before undertaking any physical, business or investment actions.

Agreement Section

By entering into a Coaching Agreement either through signing a Coaching Agreement with The Creatives Coach or paying any amount to your Creatives Coach, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out above.


You understand that all action taken is performed voluntarily and is your own responsibility. Clients should seek independent professional advice before undertaking any physical, business or investment actions.

How We Will Work Together

It’s an honor to be working with you in this way and we look forward to our coaching relationship!
This is a co-creative relationship. I see us as equals and I encourage you to do the same. I am not a therapist, counselor or consultant. I am a trained coach, using practiced communication and listening skills to support you as a detached thinking partner. Together we create more power for you to effect meaningful change and take dynamic actions towards your forward movement.
Please understand that if you’re seeking to change something about yourself, it takes time. Most of our clients feel a positive shift as soon as the very first session.
Unfortunately, that typically doesn’t last as many of the thought and behavior patterns we develop are from as far back as childhood and are deeply rooted. Much like the time it might take to create a new path in a thickly wooded forest, the same is true for building new neural pathways in our brain. We will be working on new ways of reacting, responding and perceiving your life. So like the pushed aside branches that snap right back into place the first several times of forging a new path, you will likely revert back to old ways of being and experiencing in the beginning. At that same time, you’ll begin to become aware of the elevated choices and options available to you in each moment and over time, it’s amazing to see how your life and relationships begin to elevate and evolve. If you’re serious about change, decide to make a commitment to coaching.
Depending on your situation, the following are typical choices people make for series of sessions:
  • Weekly sessions for 1-3 months (recommended if you’re seriously struggling with a major life/work/emotional situation)
  • Sessions every 2 -3 weeks for 3 months (recommended for those who have a general feeling of being stuck and/or unfulfilled personally or professionally and are committed to forward movement.)
  • Monthly sessions (recommended for those looking to make targeted changes or continue the work they have started during the more frequent series of sessions.)
  • A session every few months (recommended for those looking to touch base, connect and maintain their momentum by continuing to challenge themselves.)

Your Role

  • Make our coaching sessions a priority. You have chosen to invest in yourself. Please take time before each session to complete and email the session prep questions we will provide you by email. Use it as a template to create a new email for your responses for further appointments. The most crucial part is for you to have an idea of what you’d like to take away from the session. Coaching is strongly based on the client’s agenda.
  • Please arrive to every session on time.
  • Come to your session centered and be open-minded. Be willing to change your beliefs and patterns if they do not serve you anymore.
  • Give me feedback in the moment about your coaching experience –what works as well as what doesn’t. Do not ever worry about hurting my feelings or fear what we might think. We are here to support you not judge you or make decisions for you. If something we say does not resonate with you, we want to know about it.

Our Role

  • We will listen closely to you, respond to what we hear and ask questions. If we hear something in your voice or body language that sparks an intuitive idea, thought or image, We’re likely to share it and ask you questions about it. Often it is these small nuances that create the bigger shifts for clients. Remember, if it doesn’t resonate, tell us. We’re not attached to being right.
  • At the end of the session, if you do not mention what actions you are ready to take, we will make a coach request. We ask clients to stretch themselves, deepen the work done in the sessions by either journaling at home, taking a defined action, resolving relationships or tackling things that feel incomplete. You are free to negotiate, accept or decline. Most of the work will be in regards to self- awareness and powerful choice.

Extra Time

  • Between sessions, if you have questions, a brief update, or want to bounce some ideas around, please contact us by email. Please keep these contacts succinct. If it seems like it will be better served as session material, I’ll suggest that.

Schedule Changes

  • Please give our session high priority and arrange your schedule to honor our agreed upon time. If you must reschedule, we ask you to give me 24 hours notice or as soon as you are able. We will not reschedule no-shows. Because we are holding an appointment for you and will be unable to fit another client in with less than 24 hours notice. Emergencies are an exception.

I’m looking forward to our coaching relationship!